We would love to have you in our show!
As indicated in the contract, you will be emailed an invoice from Square to remit your payment. If you prefer to send a check, the invoice will include mailing instructions. Registration is not complete until both payment and contract are received. Booth fees: 10 X 10 VENDOR CORNER BOOTH $165 10 X 10 VENDOR BOOTH $130 EXTRA TABLE FOR VENDORS $10 ARTIST TABLE $85 All vendors are also asked to donate at least one product of your choice for a door prize to help support our event. Questions? Email us at [email protected] Thank you! Tips to help make your show successful:
- Add the event to your business website. - Promote the event on your social media platforms - Facebook, Instagram & Tik Tok! - My Jewelry Show-Setup in 30 Minutes - Pinterest Vendor Display ideas - Tips for Vendors--Design a Renegade Booth |
We would love to have you teach a class or host a Make & Take!
Make & Takes are quicker projects that can be completed in 1 hour or less. Class options allow for additional time from 1.5 - 3 hours. Classes and Make & Takes are offered both days during the event in dedicated spaces. Class ideas: beading, bead making, metal smithing, polymer clay, fiber, resin, shrinky dinks, leather and any other ideas related to jewelry and component making. Classes that have proven to be successful:
Pictures of finished projects must accompany your application via email to [email protected]. Application: Applications must be completed and submitted online by March 1, 2025. All classes are juried by the committee and are scheduled according to classroom space availability. Applications will be processed as they are received and instructors will be notified of their acceptance via email. A separate form must be submitted for each class and/or make & take. More details are available on the online proposal form. Questions? Email us at [email protected] |